I have this question that has been bugging me recently. I haven't heard this argument or anything like it nor do I really know that much about it per say. I am not a scientist or anything of the like. I do not believe in Evolution but that does not take away from my curiosity. I have been wondering what Evolutionists think about homosexuality. With their theory that includes survival of the fitest, how do they react to humans that are homosexual and cannot procreate together? Do they see this as something that hurts the theory of evolution? Or do they see homosexuality as a driving force into an evolution of humans (humans being able to procreate individually or with the same sex)? I really have no answers on this question. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable on this issue can post a comment or two and help us out.
I have heard this question before, and while I do not have an answer, I hope to be able to give a little bit of insight on the subject. Evolutionists may view homosexuality in one of two lights: the most probable view being that homosexuality is a bad mutation of a gene that only hinders the advancement of the human species as a whole.
Another possible view is now that humans have "evolved" so far as to know how to create life in a tube (i.e. in vitro fertilization), use surrogate mothers, it doesn't matter one way or the other.
Posted by: Alicia | December 15, 2004 at 12:02 AM