Now this is a strange one...but doesn't surprise me. Lets just go ahead and mix different religions for a new holiday...hey...the government should be happy... mix them all together... and everyone is happy...right? Religion in America Today... it means... all religions are equal. They all teach the same things. Everyone worships the same god...just by a different name. This is what happens when people are not allowed to offend another!,2933,141276,00.html This just shows us what danger is really out there. People don't like to offend others especially not their own family and loved ones. But this is very dangerous. For Christians... since we believe... Christ is the only way to heaven. This is not just something we believe but is the truth! God reveals this in His Word! The more we allow these things to grow...the more "in danger" Christianity becomes. We must boldly proclaim the truth of Jesus in love to all...and remember that "Sometimes the truth hurts!"