A good friend of mine brought this embarrasment to my attention yesterday (just finally getting the time to post this). My friend found this out by listening to the Michael Graham talk show out of Washington D.C. (http://630wmal.com/) Click on the Michael Graham link to the right. Graham also has a brief article on his own website, http://www.michaelgraham.com/ as well. To see the actual online poll from NBC's today show click here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6694171/ .
This is the kind of thing that really starts to annoy me. Once again, the mainstream media is not only afraid to mention Christ during Christmas but helps to destroy CHRISTmas. Come on...the word Christmas is nothing without CHRIST being in it to begin with. I would love for people to start writing in to NBC complaining about their choices. It won't really change anything, but at least for me it is a way to vent my frustration.
I also urge for you all to go to Michael Graham's website and vote on your favorite Christmas hymn that does mention Christ from those choices he gives. I would also love to hear what all of your favorites are myself...go ahead...and put them in the comment section.