The Da Vinci Code... i know what your thinking... ughhh not again. If your not...well...maybe you should be. I'm tired of the DaVinci Code. I'm tired about hearing new things, i'm tired of the press it gets...i'm just tired in general from school too...whatever thats worth. This article ( talks about an email that is circulating (i haven't seen it though) that asks Tom Hanks to rethink his role in the movie. Part of me says...oh well... Hollywood has will come out no matter how bad it is or who in Christianity it might offend. Part of me also agrees that Tom Hanks should reconsider at least if He is a Christian.
The DaVinci Code. Yes, I have read it. Yes, I think it is a good mystery novel read. Yes, I know it was published as fiction. The problem is that once you get into the book you read Dan Brown (author of The DaVinci Code) spout off that He believes what he is writing is truth and that his book, although fiction, contains many truths. How do you write fiction and the way... i believe this fiction is really true and contains truth. This book can and does have an adverse effect on many Christains.
Richard Roeper's, artice has some truth to it, but he does go wrong. He says,
Really, though, if your faith can be shaken by a pop novel, it was already more wobbly than a Jell-O mold in an earthquake. Even if you're a casual Christian and you haven't set foot inside a church since Wham! was topping the music charts, it's unfathomable that your beliefs could actually be shaken by this goofy book.
I know many Christians that had questions to ask after reading this book. I know many strong Christians that had questions. I know many weak Christians that had questions. This book is written in a way that makes people question! That is the strength of the book...its a way of writing a "Jesus" Conspiracy Theory and there are others that have also written on this same topic.
I believe that the movie will come out no matter what pressure Christians put on Hollywood. Yet, I think that we should let it come out, let there be questions, but also let us be prepared to answer these questions. I know i complained earlier that i'm sick of all this, and I am, but I also know the importance that our Christian witness has and know that yes, we must be ready to answer.
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