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December 22, 2004


Chuck Miller

If the unbelievers want to take Christ out of Christmas, why should we be upset. They can't take Christ out of our hearts. We only feed their egos when we protest about their denial our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.

Let's not forget that we are citizens of His kingdom, and get on with being a positive witness to a sick and dying world.


Joel Dietrich

The problem isn't that non-Christians are dropping Christ, it is that Christians are dropping it also. There are many Christians that I know that focus more on Santa then on Christ. Also, many liberals would like to make it illegal for Christian ideas to be spoken or proclaimed...that hinders our ability to share the Gospel. It isn't that I want to force others to have Christmas its that I am fighting for my right to have Christmas in public without being the person blamed for offending everyone.

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