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January 25, 2005


Alicia (aka: the fiancee)

As a biology student who just read an entire book last semester on America's involvement with eugenics prior to even WWI, I do believe I can speak with authority on this issue. If you were surprised that Rockefeller, Ford, and Margaret Sanger (who we can thank for establishing Planned Parenthood, yeah right) were heavily involved in eugenics, you will be equally surprised to learn that the Carnegie Institue played just as large a role. Not only did the Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Institute fund much field research in American eugenics (beginning shortly after the turn of the century), but they both heavily supported the work of German researchers starting before WWI and continuing through the start of WWII and even during America's involvement in the war. (Hard to believe, but true!)
Not that I am bashing either establishment, but what many people fail to realize is the extent to which America and its very own researchers (the work eugenicists performed was unscientific, therefore I will never refer to them as scientists) contributed to what unfolded under Hitler's Third Reich. This is not to say that the Rockefeller or Carnegie establishments funded no legitimate scientific research in Germany. Instead, what may have began as genuine research for the good of others was transformed into eugenics as a result of the coercive power of Hitler's regime and many researchers here in America.
As it was so finely exemplified, money and prestige can be dangerous when coupled with the wrong application of potentially useful knowledge. The Human Genome Project has opened an enormous toolbox to scientists conducting research in various disciplines. However, the proper application of this knowledge and information must be carefully monitored in order to ensure that it is not used to harm anyone. As difficult as it is for the government to become informed of such issues and pass legislation to prevent, rather than promote injustice, (as was the case in the early 20th century) it is nonetheless necessary. For Christians this means being informed on issues facing the constantly changing field of genetics and other areas of science. This will better enable us to identify those officials who hold firmly to the truths contained in the Bible about such issues.


I find that last statment on Hitler being pro-choice, offensive. To allude to the idea that someone that simply belives in choices, whether it be abortion or not, probably has genocidal beliefs is just close minded. I suggest getting to know some of the people you make oppinions on before jumping to conclusions.


I find that last statment on Hitler being pro-choice, offensive. To allude to the idea that someone that simply belives in choices, whether it be abortion or not, probably has genocidal beliefs is just close minded. I suggest getting to know some of the people you make oppinions on before jumping to conclusions.


I am sorry that you find that comment so offensive...but it needs to be offensive. Abortion is not just a "choice" but is genocide in every sense of the word. If you consider that closed minded... thats your opinoin... but abortion is murder in the eyes of God.

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