7th Sunday of Easter, 2006
John 17:11b-19
“Not of this world”
Grace, mercy, and peace be to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
Have you ever noticed the way people look at you with amazement if you suggest that there is such a thing as a fixed truth, and they eye you with supreme contempt if you dare hint that the opposite of truth must be a lie. You must be some old fogy or religious fanatic, or you would never make such an observation. The sooner you are back in Noah’s Ark, the better. Someone might say that black is white, and I say it isn’t so. But it is not kind to say, “Your wrong” perhaps it would be nicer to say “Perhaps your right, dear brother, though I don’t think so lets just agree to disagree.
Such is the world today where one must always be politically correct in how they live and talk. The world that never wants to be wrong…truth is what you make of it…if it doesn’t harm you let it be…and if it makes someone happy that is the greatest of truths. Yet as Christians and the Church we are called to proclaim and live something far different. We are chosen to proclaim the Gospel to all people…a message that the world doesn’t want to hear. Far too often we as Christians and the Church give up the gospel in order to attract more of the world. If the Church joins the world, there is no need for the world to join the Church.
Our text begins as a prayer by Jesus for you and me; for his disciples. It was a sad occasion when Jesus was praying for he was about to leave this world; he was about to leave his disciples. Jesus was going to ascend into heaven (as was celebrated this past Thursday) to be with the Father as the disciples would be left in a world that hated them to the point of persecution and death. And so our Lord prays for the disciples who were left in the world and for you and for me.
And what does our Lord pray for us who are stuck in this frightful mess of sinful, murderess, despairing, and stricken world? Does he pray for us to be with him at that very moment? No. Jesus does not pray for us to be plucked away from the world…but to be protected from sin, death, and the devil. He prays that we remain in God’s Word and are united as one in the truth of that Word.
Jesus had in fact kept those that believed in him faithful by preaching and showing them the pure love of God…the grace that God would have on them. Jesus would say “While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that the Scripture would be fulfilled.” (verse 12)
Only one lost…what a great percentage if we were the ones responsible…but for God…to lose one? How could God lose anything? Judas was not lost because of Jesus or because the Word of God was ineffective! Judas was in fact warned by Jesus over and over again as to what would happen! Judas was a disciple…he did have faith! Yet Judas chose to reject Jesus! Judas did what he did deliberately. Judas intentionally gave Jesus up for blood money. Only after Jesus was taken…did Judas have guilt…guilt that he thought God could never forgive him. Guilt that led him not back to Jesus but to eternal condemnation.
This, my brothers and sisters in Christ, is a warning not only for those who do not have faith in Jesus…but to you and to me. God warns us over and over again about the effects of our sin on others and ourselves…and we fully choose to do them. We are quite deliberate in our actions against God! And then the guilt starts to worm its way into us. The guilt of disobeying God…for turning our back on the one person that loves us no matter what; our unwavering Savior Jesus Christ. But know that God wants to forgive you…no matter how heavy a guilt you have…no matter what you may have done. God’s love never ends and never fails!
“I am coming to you now [to the Father] but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them.” (verse 13) Jesus wants us to have the full measure of his joy. Jesus wants us to have this joy continually without end. Jesus wants us to have his joy…not just any old joy…but Jesus’ own joy. This joy that he gives us is complete… its not just 50%, 75%, 99% but 100%. This joy…is not being lent to us…but is completely ours to keep. If you ever wonder if God loves you and will forgive you…look to these words for it is our Savior that gives this all to us out of love.
Jesus said all these things for his sad followers to hear…for they thought they were losing their Lord. Often times we wonder if there is a God because we have never “seen” him. Yet we do see our Lord in God’s Word and in his precious body and blood that we receive this morning in the Lord’s Supper. Jesus said these things because he has faith that the Word of God; the Holy Scripture, will keep us in the one true faith! Jesus has chosen us and sets us apart from this world for the Father. Truly we, like Jesus, are devoted to the Father and are devoted to do His work in the world.
The Church is ever serving others. We must remember that we are in the world not of it. Many times we wonder what we can do to make Church and God more relevant to society. Yet we cannot do anything to make God’s word more relevant. God’s Word stands. His Word is for all time and for all people. Last week God told us about love. Today he tells us to go out and live the Christian life. Go out and help not only your friends and family but to help even those you don’t like. God tells us to go out and proclaim His word and show His love because He is always with you protecting you and leading you to himself through the Word.
Jesus came into this world on that very first and glorious Christmas Day in order to die for our sins. That joyous day that we as Christians celebrate each year together with our families…exchanging gifts…in honor and remembrance of the gift that God gave us in his Son…the gift of salvation; the gift of forgiveness the gift of love!
As each of us go into the world and are rejected for being Christian and wonder why we even bother telling others about Jesus…let me give you an example of what you are representing as the Christian. As Jesus came that first Christmas…so you may also be that first Christmas for those that have never known Christ. As you remember all the joy that you have at Christmas…know that they do not have that joy…they do not know that joy…they are yearning for that joy…the joy of Christmas that leads to the joy of Easter. May God grant us all the saving faith in His Word; the love of sharing His Word; and the joy in sharing the Good News of Jesus birth and resurrection with others…so that “His joy may be complete.” Amen.
Now may the peace of God which passes all human understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
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