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March 27, 2011


Reductio ad Absurdum

I would like to share with you the very definition of being closed minded according to webster's dictionary:
"lacking tolerance or flexibility or breadth of view". The fact that you are calling christians to not associate with people different from themselves is a closed minded statement. The fact that you gloat about your views on homosexuality and abortion displays pure hubris in a most unrefined sense. It is statements like those posted on this board that drive a vast quantity of intellectuals from the church. The problem with organized religion is that it seeks to ensnare all of mankind by making us all believe that we are fundamentally flawed: that we can only fill the void in our hearts by following the orders of the religious institution. This "faith" in the religious institution has brought us such times as the crusades, the spanish inquisition, and suicide bombings. Differences in religion are one of the main impetuses for devastation all over the world. I thought it was the point of religion to bring peace: not intolerance and war.
I would also like to take a brief look at biblical law. The ten commandments: are they really the wisest of ten? and if so why are issues like rape, abortion, homosexuality, and other pertinent issues that face modern society omitted? Surely an omnipotent god would have the foresight to address these issues. Also if we are to take all of the laws literally as written in the bible then why is it that christendom does not follow the extensive set of laws set forth by leviticus?
So I would like to urge you to wake up and see the world around you. Why are your views any more important than anyone else's? The answer is that they are not. It is also worth noting that the 4000 plus denominations of christianity prove that its own leadership and ministers are not capable of agreeing about the bronze aged book's meaning.

Rev. Joel A. C. Dietrich

I apologize for taking so long to respond...but this is a very time of year for Pastors. I'm sorry that you feel this way. I am not sure where you get the idea that I was gloating or telling Christians not to associate with non-Christians. Truly it would be hard for Christians to share the good news of Jesus death and resurrection for the sins of ALL people...if we never associated with non-Christians. There is an awful lot that you question...but I'll try to respond. It is unfortunate that you didn't leave an email address associated with your comment. You criticize the 10 Commandments and ask why other laws are included...but you miss the point. Within the 10 Commandments are God's law concerning all sin. Each and every sin that is committed is breaking the 1st commandment...for you put something else as your god. You bring up the laws in Leviticus but do not share that most of them are still followed to this day...for they are laws concerning a wide range of issues... such as dietary laws (which were needed for the sake of health)to specific laws such as (and abortion comes in here) what punishment fits the crime of attacking a pregnant woman and hurting the unborn or killing the unborn. Many of the laws were for the society; the everyday living...but that does not mean that this attack isn't also a braking of the 1st or 5th commandments. Where else to go...I'm sorry you feel that I'm gloating when I stand firm in the public proclamation of God's Word and call sin...sin. If I am boasting...I boast in Christ and His Word. I would also like inform you, since you seem to be condescending of Christians and infer that we are not "intelligent" that many of us are indeed well educated. Within the congregation I serve we have farmers, accountants, nurses, doctors, researchers, teachers, administrators, and more. In closing...I pray that you take a serious look at what the Bible actually does say...and I pray you keep the dialog open with us. God's blessings this and every day that the Lord has made as we continue our journey this week to the cross and find the empty tomb on Easter Sunday.

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