17th Sunday after Pentecost
“Who is Jesus?”
Mark 8:27-35
Grace, Mercy, and Peace be to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
Let me ask you some questions: Who is God? Who is Jesus? Mormons believe Jesus is lord just as any good Mormon may become lord. Muslims believe that Jesus was a good man and prophet. Jehovah’s Witnesses also believe he was a good man. Jews say that he was either a good man or a blasphemous sinner. The New Age movement that is growing in leaps and bounds says he was a good man; he might have even been god, but of course we all believe in the same god by a different name anyway don’t we? So who do you say that Jesus is?
Our Gospel lesson begins, “Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked them, “Who do people say I am?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets.” “But what about you? He asked. “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Christ.” (Mark 8:27-29)
So who do we say Jesus is? Sometimes I am afraid to ask this question because I may get different answers. Certainly all of you gathered here will say that Jesus is our Lord and Savior; that he is the second person of the Holy Trinity; that he is God and Man. But all too often we let our sin get in the way of our faith. Who do we say Jesus is? Sometimes the greatest stumbling block for others to become Christian are Christians themselves. Far too often we don’t walk the walk or talk the talk. We are comfortable sitting back in our lives minding our own business and not worrying about the salvation of those around us.
Who do we say Jesus is by our actions by word, mouth, and living? When we get angry with each other what do we show to others. When we use hand gestures to those people that cut us off while driving what message do we give. When others make fun of Christians do we stand up or cower in fear? Do we live our lives like Christians? Do our lives reflect Christ or do they reflect the world? Do we speak out against those things that God condemns or do we sit back and say it’s a woman’s choice to abort a fetus. Abortion is murder in the eyes of God and he condemns it. Is sex just about feeling good? Is marriage just a civil right that anyone may have no matter who their partner is? My brothers and sisters in Christ we have become too politically correct! We must show who Jesus is by faith. We must live the Christ life.
Jesus has shown us how to live. Many of you have seen and heard of the WWJD bracelets. They ask the question “What would Jesus do?” It is supposed to be a simple reminder of how Jesus would respond to our own situations. I like to think of WWJD as standing for “Walk with Jesus daily.” You see if we walk with Jesus in our lives through faith, prayer, and worship…we will indeed know how to respond to sin.
In our text St. Peter tells us clearly who Jesus is “The Christ, the Messiah, the Savior.” Jesus then shared with them a statement of who He was by word and action. Jesus said, “The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and he must be killed and after three days rise again.” (Mark 8:31) Throughout the Gospels we see Jesus showing the world who he was by his miracles, his love and compassion, his death on the cross and resurrection. Jesus certainly talked the talk and walked the walk fully knowing the hatred that would be shown him and the suffering that he would endure.
But wait! A God…a Lord…that was going to die? That’s not what Peter or the others wanted…that’s not what they thought they needed. After Jesus spoke of his coming death “Peter took him aside and began to rebuke [Jesus].” (Mark 8:32) Jesus couldn’t die…Peter, the disciples…all the people needed him. Everyone understood…gods don’t die…they rule up there somewhere.
Sure, its easy for us to look at Peter…and wonder what he was thinking…we know the end of the Story…we know of Jesus victory over death and his resurrection. Yet knowing this we still look elsewhere for a god or savior.
We want God to forgive and forget all of our sins or allow for some sin to not be sin anymore…but we don’t want to be punished or have any suffering in this sinful world. Sure we want God to lead us…but not to death especially death on a cross or by dying. We want God to give us all that we want…and for God not to expect anything back in return…not even thanksgiving. Sinfulness leads us to gods of desire…not the God of forgiveness and love.
“But when Jesus turned and looked at his disciples, he rebuked Peter. “Get behind me, Satan!” he said. “You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.” (Mark 8:33)
Jesus knew that He had no other choice then to die if we were to be saved. We can’t do it ourselves! The wonderful news is not what we have to do…but what God in Christ Jesus has done for us! It is by the faith God gives to us that we believe and are given tasks; good works to do.
As Christians we are responsible to share God’s word to all people whether it is politically correct or not. As a commercial I have seen on television says, “Don’t just take a stand…ACT!” Saying that you are a Christian does not mean you really are a Christian. There are many that make that claim but truly aren’t. Don’t just say you’re a Christian…act like a Christian. Don’t just make suggestions…act on them. Don’t just say the church needs more people…share the word. Don’t just say our church needs more money…give. Don’t just agree that VBS and Sunday School are blessings for others to take care of…volunteer your time now or the time shall come when these opportunities are gone.
Then (Jesus) said to them all: “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it.” (Mark 8:34-35) Sure there will be times when we will be persecuted for standing firm in the Christian faith. Christians do suffer; they suffer when they act as Christians. If suffering on earth is a cost of salvation I would much rather suffer now then suffer for eternity in hell.
God is with us always. God gives us the strength and courage to carry our crosses daily. God helps us carry all of our burdens until we join Him in paradise. Jesus has died for all of our sins and all of the sins of the world. His love and salvation are for all. ACT by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit that Jesus sent to us so that we would be saved and act as his tools of salvation. Who do you say He is? Thanks be to God that by faith…we share in God’s love, hope, mercy, and forgiveness and share that good news with all people. Who is Jesus? He is my God and my Lord who died on the cross for me a poor miserable sinner. Thanks be to God. Amen.
Now may the peace of God which passes all human understanding keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.
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