Christ the King Sunday, 2017
Matthew 25:31-46
"Sheep and G.O.A.T.s"
Grace, mercy, and peace be to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sheep and Goats. Which one of these do you belong to? The world would tell you to be a goat...especially if you pay attention to sports. In the NBA there is still a battle going on between Michael Jordan and Lebron James as to whom is the G.O.A.T. The greatest of all time. If that is what being a Goat is...where can I sign up? Because that kind of a Goat...gets all kinds of things. That kind of a Goat has hotels, cities, fans, and limos lining up for you with your favorite luxuries. If there is a favorite beverage...its stocked in the limo and the hotel room. If you like Satin sheets... Done! Favorite food...they'll fly those in. It's good to be a G.O.A.T. in this world...but in the next world...that's a whole different story.
In the Gospel for today, we hear of Jesus’ coming to judge the living and the dead. To judge between the Sheep and the Goats. Usually texts that focus on the end of the world tell us to prepare for Jesus’ coming. We often hear how Jesus will return like a thief in the night, how he’ll return like a king from a long journey, how he’ll return in some other unexpected way. We’re given signs that his return is soon and we should prepare.
Today, we hear that Jesus has made plans for us when he returns. To those on his right hand, those who are faithful and are counted righteous, Jesus says, “inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Matthew 25:34). What an amazing thought! Before Jesus made the heavens and the earth, he already had you in mind. Before the waters were separated to form the dry land, the sea, and the sky, Jesus had you in mind. More than that, Jesus prepared his kingdom for you. He prepared a kingdom for you to comfort you.
Most people find discussions about the end of the world to be frightening. What do you think of? Will a super volcano by Yellowstone wipe us out? Will WW III and nuclear fallout destroy everything? An asteroid? Global warming? Earthquakes, famines, or something else?
As frightening as any of those thoughts are about the end of the world...judgment day is even more fearful! Eternal Fire. Hell. The place prepared for Satan to be punished for all eternity. The end of the world could be horrible...but it won't last an eternity like God's judgment. And there is real reason to fear!
There is real reason to fear because the ten commandments show us that we deserve to be judged and receive God's wrath and condemnation. Break any of these commandments just once and you deserve that wrath and condemnation. We ought cry out like the Psalmist: "If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand?" (Psalm 130:3) On top of knowing that we are sinners that deserve God's wrath is the realization that apart from Christ, nothing we do is good or pleasing before God. Nothing we do can merit forgiveness. Nothing we do can atone for our sin.
On our own we don't give Christ anything to eat or drink, we don't invite Him in or clothe Him and we don't look after Him. In the end without faith...we cannot and do not love Christ.
But God's punishment was not prepared for people from the foundation of the world. Hell was created specifically for Satan and his fallen angels. Jesus didn't decide to save some and damn others. This judgment is brought upon us by our own sinfulness. God never planned for people to perish... however men willfully transgressed His commandments, punishment became necessary, justice had to be executed. Christ takes no pleasure in this pronouncement of guilt and punishment. Truly Jesus "desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." (1 Timothy 2:4)
God desires all people to be saved. He wants you to be saved. Our text took place before a historic event. This discourse happened just days before Good Friday...during Holy Week. Everything that was happening... from Jesus' triumphal entry on Palm Sunday, Judas' betrayal, His being mocked and tortured, and His crucifixion...all were planned and prepared by God from the foundation of the world. It was all planned and prepared to save you. Christ took the punishment that each of us deserves upon Himself in His death on the cross. And as He took our sin, our wrath, our punishment upon Himself...He gives us forgiveness and righteousness. Every act of love He has done is counted as your act of love.
That is how Jesus can say to the sheep; to the faithful believer "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." (Matthew 25:35-36) And so through Christ the Kingdom of God is ours as well.
Our Lord tells us that He prepared a kingdom for us to comfort us. We need not fear His return. Because He has forgiven all your sins, you will be found at His right hand. You will receive the kingdom that He has prepared for you. And He loved you so much that He planned your salvation and your reward before the foundation of the world. You are a guest your Lord has been waiting to receive for a long time, in fact, before time began. And while you may not be the "Greatest Of All Time" "G.O.A.T." you can be assured that God has prepared nothing but the best for you in paradise because He didn't even spare His own Son to save and redeem you!
Worried about the End of the World? Scared about what might come? Do not fear. Remember that you are worth the death of Christ to your Heavenly Father. You are God's beloved child. Heaven is yours. Amen.
Now may the peace of God which passes all human understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. Amen.
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