The Last Sunday of the Church Year
“The Joy of Giving”
2 Corinthians 9:8
Grace, mercy, and peace be to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.” (2 Corinthians 9:8)
Did you notice in that verse that there was a word that kept being repeated? The word all was used 4 times in the text along with the word every. All grace. All sufficiency. All things. All times. Every good work. And who promises to give these things? God. God promises to provide all grace, all sufficiency in all things at all times so that you may abound in every good work. Do you believe that? Do you trust God to provide?…at all times?
I love to watch old western movies and tv shows; especially movies starring John Wayne (True Grit, Chisum, The Cowboys) and the tv shows Gunsmoke, The Rifleman, Maverick, Wagon Train, and Bonanza. A common occurrence in many Westerns was being in the desert or rough country without water. Maybe the trip was just too long and hard, maybe the canteen was shot or the well poisoned. The lack of water; the need for water was crucial.
So crucial that it is said that you can survive without food for 30-40 days if you are well hydrated. But you can only survive, in good health, for 3-7 days without water. Water is essential for life!
There was a man half dead wandering in the desert. Struggling to remain upright he sees an oasis in the distance. But this oasis was different. Instead of a pool of water he finds a well with a pump. Near the pump was a jar of water. Just imagine. There in that jar of water was life. There was water that would quench his thirst. Before gulping the water the man sees a note on a piece of parchment. The note reads: “In this jar is enough water to keep you alive for a day or two; however, to have all the water you want, you must follow these directions carefully. Pour all the water from the jar into the pump. There is just enough water to soften the leather gasket in the pump. This softened gasket will allow you to pump all the water you want. When you are finished, please fill the jar for the next traveler.”
What would you do? Do you trust the note which promises more water than you need? Do you drink the water that is in front of you that will at least keep you alive for another day or two? Trust the note…or trust what you can see and touch and taste?
Sometimes it seems that God gives us tough decisions to make as well. God calls upon us to share even when it seems like we have too little. God calls us to share our wealth and treasures, our time and effort. And sometimes we doubt if we can do this. Maybe we are barely making it by financially ourselves. Our time is precious…I need this time to relax…to unwind…to rest…to get things done I’ve put off already. Maybe we are tired and worn out…and don’t feel we are able to give any more. Wealth, treasure, time, energy…is that our jar of water. Do we drink what we can see and touch…or do we trust a note; a word…Scripture? “Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John 4:14)
Even when it seems that we don’t have enough…enough money…enough time…enough energy…to share and to give. God wants us to not only believe in His promise that He will provide for our needs, but that through our giving He will both fill us up with even more…and use us and our blessings to fill others up.
Even as we trust God’s Word and believe His Word…we doubt. It seems we get caught in believing the illusions of Satan and this world. We think if we buy the biggest and the best things, the newest and most expensive stuff…that we too are better. It is difficult to ignore the wants and desires of our sinful flesh. It’s hard to ignore these false gods which clamor for our attention. It’s hard not to give in to what the world says is the best. We are tempted day in and day out to buy more and more. We fall for these advertising schemes that promise happiness, contentment, and prestige if we buy this toy, that car, or whatever other fad is at hand. But the “stuff” of this world is a mirage; an illusion. If they bring contentment and joy…it is short lived and incomplete.
By grace, God grants us the ability to trust in His promises. He changes our hearts. He changes our focus and our purpose in life. He changes the way we think about giving. God doesn’t want you to give “because you have to or else.” God wants you to give out of love for Him; His Church; and your fellow man. God wants you to have joy as you give to others; to see giving not as an obligation but an opportunity to share His love; your love…with others.
The note on the pump promised blessings if the directions were followed for the person who found the note and water…and for those who would follow after him. God’s Word promises us blessings when we trust that God will provide as we share the blessings we have received. Proverbs 3:9-10 tells us: “Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.”
Just as the Israelites were called to sacrifice the firstfruits of their harvest, we give the first portion of what we have to the Lord. And how do we give to the Lord? Through offerings to the Church, donations to the poor and needy, help to those in need, ears that listen, arms that hug; it means taking care of your family and yourself. Proverbs 19:17 tells us “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed.”
And how does the Lord repay us? He blesses us all the more abundantly. He gives us Himself in the Lord’s Supper. He gave up His life on the cross to save you. God provides rich and bountiful blessings: life, salvation, food, clothing, homes, loving families, loving Church families; even peace and joy found in sharing our gifts. God gives us life eternal, as His beloved children, in His kingdom.
God blesses us so that we may be a blessing to others. In blessing others; in giving out of love…we find joy. Joy in giving as we have received from God. Amen.
Now may the peace of God which passes all human understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. Amen.
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