Christmas Day, 2019
“The Word is our Comfort”
Isaiah 52:7-10 & John 1:1-14
Grace, mercy, and peace be to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
God’s people were split. The nation of Israel divided. North and South. Israel and Judah. Their kings became more wicked. Idols were brought in. God would punish the people. Israel would be destroyed. North and South destroyed. Jerusalem would be plundered. The temple destroyed. Walls, gates, homes toppled. Many were killed. More were exiled. Could you imagine? We wouldn’t want to. Loved ones killed or enslaved. Homes destroyed. Valuables taken. The city was left as rubble.
Maybe some of these things aren’t hard to imagine for some of us. We have loved ones that lived through nightmares like this in the Second World War. Some of us have loved ones that live through this in other nations of this world today. Even within our own nation we see murder and chaos, terrorism, rape, and torture; communities, neighborhoods, and families destroyed. People living without homes or food or clothing. All for nothing. All because of sin in the world.
This sadness. This horrible image. This is the backdrop of Isaiah’s words of comfort to Israel and to us. This is the context of God’s comfort to a world suffering from sin. This Christmas text gives us and the world the true reason to rejoice.
“Break forth together into singing, you waste places of Jerusalem, for the Lord has comforted his people; he has redeemed Jerusalem.” (Isaiah 52:9)
Here is the news that brings singing; a joyous celebration. These are words that describe the defiant hope of exiles that will not succumb to the despair of the sinful world that surrounds them. This is news for all ages; for all people…for believers surrounded by the wickedness of this sinful world and life. Here is news that causes the very ruins and rubble of God’s people to sing out in the face of misery and despair. “The Lord has comforted his people; he has redeemed Jerusalem.” (Isaiah 52:9b)
These words of hope can be said in another way…in a song that we are more familiar with at this time of year: “God rest ye merry gentlemen. Let nothing you dismay. Remember Christ our Savior. Was born on Christmas Day. To save us all from Satan's pow'r. When we were gone astray. Oh tidings of comfort and joy. Comfort and joy. Oh tidings of comfort and joy.”
Lost in the change of language through the years…. God make you MIGHTY gentleman. Let nothing dishearten you; nothing surprise or alarm you; nothing perturb you! Why? For Christ our Savior was born on Christmas Day in order to save us from Satan’s power while we had gone astray. This. This is the message of comfort and joy! This is how God redeemed Jerusalem, His people, His creation and world.
God’s Word is our comfort and hope and joy. And this Word isn’t just any old word. It’s not a secret word for only a few. It’s not just a word that can be written down or translated or copied. This Word is “the [very] Word [that] became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)
Jesus, the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, the babe placed in a manger, the babe from Bethlehem, is our comfort; our hope; our joy.
Our comfort this Christmas isn’t found in the food that we eat. It isn’t found on the Hallmark Channel. It’s not sold in a mall or even on Amazon. Our comfort is found in Jesus. For through His birth, life, death, and resurrection we have life. Through Jesus our warfare with sin, death, and the devil is over. Our sins are paid for and covered. We are made perfect through His blood. We are made children of the Heavenly Father and heirs of His kingdom.
Our hope this Christmas is far beyond getting that dream present. Our hope shouldn’t be in any earthly gift or found in a sinful person. Our hope…even for peace and love is only found in Christ. Our hope is found in Him who rose for us. Our hope is in the resurrection and the life.
And our joy; our happiness, our delight, our gladness…is found in Him who loves us. Our joy springs forth out of faith to share the love we have in Christ Jesus with those we love.
Today is all about _________? You. ??? Because today is all about Christ: His birth; His coming to live and die and rise for you… its all about you. For Christ was born for YOU. Christ lived and died for YOU. Christ rose for YOU! “For God so loved the world [each one of you] that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)
God make you mighty people. Let nothing in this sinful world dismay you. Remember Christ our Savior. Was born on Christmas Day. To save us all from Satan's pow'r. When we were gone astray! Share those tidings of comfort and joy this Holy Day and every day. Merry Christmas. Amen.
Now may the peace of God which passes all human understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. Amen.
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